

I was nearly half-way through high school before I truly began to appreciate and enjoy cooking. Before then, I rarely thought about what went on in the kitchen. My mom was the baker of the family, and I vividly remember waking up on Saturday mornings to the sweet aroma of her cakes baking in the oven. My grandmother was an excellent cook, and I would come home from school to the smell of freshly made crepes or other delightful creations seeping through the front door and greeting me before I even stepped inside. She was truly incredible, and tried to teach me how to be a great little chef from a young age. Although she tried to get me in the kitchen a lot more than she succeeded, I did eventually find an intense appreciation for the art she had mastered.

Cooking became fun when I found out my best friend from high school loved to cook. On random days throughout the summer or on weekends, we would whip up a batch of carmelitas or make homemade broccoli cheese soup. It was exciting trying new recipes, and I carried this love for cooking with me to college.

What I did not learn from my grandmother, my mom, or my best friend, I researched on cooking blogs or YouTube (thanks technology!). Cooking became my creative outlet and my husband can attest to the fact I will rarely make a dish twice. There are just too many to try, and I am always on the hunt for the BEST.

Today I enjoy cooking in our new home…granite countertops, a huge island, and a double oven make me very happy. My days revolve around my 5 favorite things: Spending time with God, my husband, teaching, running, and (of course) cooking. It is truly a wonderful life.

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